Thomas Wood

  • Play
    Comedy Pola Beck


    Lucy is tired of being the perfect mother. When a department store security guard searches her stroller he finds more than he could ever have imagined.

  • Interview

    Interview with Jesús Orellana (Rosa)

    From illustrator to highly-praised 3D animator in just over a year, Jesús Orellana takes us behind the scenes of what went in to making his short film, Rosa.

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    Experimental Eddie Alcazar

    The Vandal

    Set in a world not unlike mid-20th century America, a man's tormented search for peace from traumatic loss results in an unexpectedly destructive awakening after he undergoes a lobotomy.

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    Sci‑Fi Neill Blomkamp


    An army of alien invaders conquer Earth in this impressive Sci-fi short from Neill Blomkamp's new venture Oats Studios

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    Horror Caleb Phillips

    Play Me

    A woman wakes in the middle of nowhere with no memory and a man tied up in the back seat. Stranger yet, she finds a tape recorder with her voice on it telling her what to do next.

  • Filmmaker's Guide

    How I Made a Short Film with Netflix

    From pitching to production, director Seán Mullan joins us to discuss creating a short for Netflix's inaugural Documentary Talent Fund in the first of a new series of Educational posts here on Short of the Week.

  • Play
    Comedy Thomas LEMOINE & 3 Others

    Dum Spiro

    It's soldier vs. bear in this light-hearted "Merry Melodies" slapstick from students at France's ESMA.

  • Festival

    Film Fests in the Online World: Oberhausen & Tribeca

    Its been a couple of days since Andrew's article detailing the path we took in putting our short film The Thomas Beale Cipher online. Some folks have taken it as an attack on film festivals, and I won't say that they're completely wrong about that.

  • Festival

    Sundance 2011 Short Films Online: Program 3

    If I could have somehow avoided the news about Sundance starting today, I would have—today is the start of the 34th straight Sundance Festival that yours truly will be failing to attend. 34 times have films been watched, pitches been made, deals been sealed, without me.

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