Emily Harrison

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    Comedy Emily Brundige


    A giant girl (Charlyne Yi) feels out of scale in her colorful little town, only to realize she takes up just the right amount of space. (Currently Offline)

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    Drama Emily Murnane


    A long-distance relationship is threatened by a young woman’s secret.

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    Drama Louise Bagnall

    Late Afternoon

    Oscar Shortlist for 2019! Emily has her afternoon tea and lets her mind wander back into the past. She journeys through her memories, reliving moments from her life. What she discovers there will challenge her in unexpected ways.

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    Documentary REANIMATION

    My Daughter Died. How do I Introduce Her to My Son?

    How do you explain tragedy to a 3-year-old? Close to five years ago, Jayson Greene and his wife, Stacy, lost their 2-year-old daughter, Greta, to a horrible accident. Fifteen months later, their son, Harrison, was born. Now that Harrison is growing up, he wants to know about his older sister.

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    Drama Emily Avila


    Inside a lingerie fitting room, two strangers are bound on a mission to find the right bra.

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    Sci‑Fi Emily Carmichael


    Stryka is an awesome reptile woman from another planet who does heists and odd jobs with her (literal) partner in crime, Callen. But she has a secret–she’s been stealing with somebody else.

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    Experimental Emily Scaife


    Urges in the undergrowth. Erupting fungal fantasies. Bursting botanicals... the dust and desires of a tiny alternative universe.

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    Dark Comedy Sam Benenati

    Red Light

    An anxiety ridden existential melodrama about a woman stuck at a red light for what feels like a lifetime.

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    Fantasy James Stewart


    When young Emily is kidnapped by foxes and forced to work in the mysterious underground Blue Goo Mines, she must use everything she's got to get back home and uncover the foxes' secret plan!

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    Horror Teal Greyhavens

    Special Day

    On the night of her 18th birthday, Emily's family gathers together to reveal an important secret to her. It’s a secret that will shape the rest of her life…

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