Lucky Post

  • Play
    Sci‑Fi Rich Lee


    A lone woman searches for others as she struggles to survive in a desolate, post-apocalyptic wasteland.

  • Interview

    The Importance of Sound with David Kamp

    "My goal is always to provide each film with a unique sound world and sonic style" - Sound Designer, Composer and Sound Artist David Kamp joins us to discuss the role sound plays in a successful short film

  • Interview

    Interview with Marco Kalantari (The Shaman)

    With epic science-fiction short 'THE SHAMAN' recently released online, Short of the Week sat down with director/producer Marco Kalantari to talk about his blockbuster production.

  • Play
    Thriller Jeremy Robbins


    In a new, predatory ice age, two brothers search for a place to call home.

  • New Filmmaker Series

    The New Filmmaker: Eddie OKeefe

    His life changed the day he released his dreamy short, The Ghosts, online and sent him down a new path to his debut feature, a Black List-honored script, and a pilot deal with Hulu for a new series.

  • Interview

    Interview: San Francisco Film Festival Shorts Directors

    Making a great short film requires a certain kind of alchemy; because there are no hard-set rules in regards to running time, subject matter, or even medium, filmmakers traverse a tricky path on the road to festival -- and online audience -- acceptance. I was lucky enough to sit down at the San Francisco International Film Festival with a few of the shorts filmmakers that were in attendance and get insight into their process, ask what lessons they learned on their latest productions, and find out what they believe makes a good short film.

  • Play
    Documentary Joris Debeij


    A quiet, yet powerful portrait about a young man named Terrance and his struggles to overcome Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and depression.

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