Thomas Wood

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    Documentary James Cooper

    Drawings of My BF

    The artist Wilfrid Wood and his muse Theo Adamson have, over the course of their relationship, produced hundreds of drawings together. In James Cooper's short doc Drawings of My BF we're allowed a glimpse into their lives and how art brought them together.

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    Drama Thomas Leung

    Living in the Dark

    Often we can't appreciate something so close to us until it's taken from us—such is the case in this film when as a young boy, Thomas, temporarily loses his sight.

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    The Thomas Beale Cipher on the new Atlantic Magazine Video Channel

    The Atlantic Magazine, esteemed general interest rag for the policy-elite, has extended its sights to internet video. Late last week saw the launch of a curatorial venture on the magazine's prominent website, a new vision for its video page.

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    Thriller Marcus Anthony Thomas

    The Retreat

    Struggling to cope with the aftermath of a traumatic event a young woman seeks out the help of a highly secretive retreat lead by a shadowy female figure named Echo, who claims to have the solution to all of her problems.

  • News

    Update: The Thomas Beale Cipher. Solved.

    The Thomas Beale Cipher has been solved! No, not the actual historical cipher—but rather the one hidden in our visually-saturated short film, The Thomas Beale Cipher. When we released the film online 9 months ago, we weren't sure what would happen.

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    Action Thomas Jane & Adi Shankar

    Punisher: Dirty Laundry

    Actor Thomas Jane takes the Punisher property into his own hands with a new popular Fan-Film

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    Documentary Laurence Topham

    My Brother's Keeper

    Former Guantánamo detainee, Mohamedou Ould Salahi, and his guard, Steve Wood, reunite in Mauritania 13 years after last seeing each other, rekindling an unlikely relationship that profoundly changed their lives.

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    Romance Shimmy Marcus


    When two strangers meet by circumstance, they spend the day together and overcome the obstacles of their language barrier through emotional connection.

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    Documentary Thomas Gleeson


    Exploring the idea of what makes a house a home, Thomas Gleeson's touching documentary 'Home' follows a family as they (literally) move house.

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