Yung Seed Media

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    Documentary Malachy Browne & David Botti

    Day of Rage: How Trump Supporters Took the U.S. Capitol

    The Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol was perhaps the most widely documented act of political violence in history. The New York Times obtained, analyzed and mapped out thousands of cellphone videos, police bodycam recordings and internal police audio to provide the most complete picture to date of what happened.

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    Comedy Peter Huang

    5 Films About Technology

    Five satirical vignettes showcase the dumber side of modern technology. (North American Exclusive)

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    Drama Edgar Morais and Lucas Elliot Eberl

    We Won't Forget

    A woman's frustrations boil to the surface while hosting a party for her friends, culminating in a public freakout that turns into collective hysteria.

  • Playlist

    New Media Winners! | SOTW Awards 2013

    Winner![php]playlist(9058);[/php] Last year saw interactive films finally come into their own as a format for real storytelling. This year, Bear 71 upped the ante with even more interactivity allowing viewers to navigate a map of security cameras as they track a bear across a wildlife refuge.

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    Documentary Yung Chang & Annie Katsura Rollins


    Three doctors in the United States, fighting COVID-19 from pre-to-post surge, tell their story while the chaos of the pandemic permeates outside the frame of their video confessions. [US Viewers: Please use the link at the top of the article]

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    Vimeo Awards 2010

    We Preview the 2010 Nominees and Update with the Winners

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    Horror Jamie Delaney


    In an attempt to find acceptance and purpose in an alienating postmillennial world, an unhinged young woman develops a violent addiction to social media.

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