Mdhamiri A Nkemi

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    Documentary Spencer MacDonald

    A Body Called Life

    A self-isolated young human known as "James" delves into the hidden world of microscopic organisms, cultivating a tender connection with these nearly invisible creatures as he seeks to understand his own place in the cosmos and accept the scars of his past.

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    Comedy Ryan Turner

    A Date in 2025

    In the year 2025, ​a young man's superintelligent AI system tells him that he must go on a date or face certain suicide from loneliness.

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    Sci‑Fi Paul Slater

    A Little Bit Behind

    Part-time chef Steve Palmer finds himself 3 seconds out of sync with the universe after he attempts to travel through time.

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    Horror Dylan Chase

    A Night in Camp Heebie Jeebie

    During a stormy night in Camp Heebie Jeebie, the ghost stories shared by a group of Jeebie Scouts become all too real.

  • Festival

    A Shorts-centric Preview of SXSW 2023

    Brimming with exciting filmmaking talent, the SXSW program can be a bit overwhelming. So if you're on the ground in Austin, Texas and looking for films to add to your watchlist, we've got you covered...

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    Drama Runyararo Mapfumo

    Dawn in the Dark

    On the eve of her father’s birthday, Dawn and her fun uncle Nate struggle over her bedtime routine. A new dynamic to their relationship is explored as they navigate their way through a family crisis.

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