Or Sinai

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    Documentary Daniel Ifans

    (The Lost Found) Boy Man Bunny

    What happens when you take an abandoned Brazilian street kid from the favelas of Salvador, and drop him into privileged English society? Three decades later, Pablo is still trying to figure things out.

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    Drama Zane Rubin


    17 year old Maddie wishes someone would pay attention to her. When J.J. appears, she gets what she thought she wanted...

  • Festival

    Sundance Film Festival London 2017

    Now in it's fifth iteration and for the second time at Picturehouse Central in the heart of England's capital, Sundance Film Festival London seems to be steadily growing in audience awareness and stepping out of the shadow of its US Big Brother.

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    Fantasy Nick Black

    Time Chicken

    In a bid to heal the rift in his society, a humble chicken sets out to discover what came first - the chicken or the egg? Contains explosions.

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    Adventure Shunsuke Saito

    Small Garden

    Waking up in a mysterious world, a life form has to embark on a journey of discovery as they decide whether to leave or stay.

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    Horror Jan Verdijk

    Pantser (Shielded)

    Who can you trust during a global pandemic? Two sisters who live in forced isolation get suspicious when a man suddenly appears claiming he wants to help them.

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    Sci‑Fi George Metaxas


    The last two inhabitants of a space station have to decide whether to save themselves or the lives of everyone on the last outpost in our solar system, Uranus City.

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    Documentary Winnie Cheung

    Albatross Soup

    A delightful and innovative adaptation of a classic riddle, a chorus of voices attempt to investigate a puzzling suicide: A man gets off a boat. He walks into a restaurant and orders albatross soup. He takes one sip... pulls out a gun, and shoots himself to death. So...why did he kill himself?

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    Comedy Dave Green


    Encroaching ice from a malfunctioning refrigerator is threatening the welfare of all the inhabitants, and its time for the fearful fruit, dairy and leftovers to hunker down and stategize!

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