Ponderosa Productions

  • Interview

    Interview with Josh Tanner (The Landing)

    Australian short The Landing is one of those film's that's going to leave you with questions. Whether based around the impressive craft on show in the production of the piece or aimed at the cleverly deceptive storyline, Josh Tanner's film is one that demands exploring in greater detail.

  • Play
    Comedy Rob Silvestri


    Ormie the Pig is desperate to get the cookies on top of the fridge, but is constantly stymied, in this modern day slapstick.

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    Drama Bilal S. Haider

    The Prisoner's Song

    Two days in the life of an American prisoner, one during his time incarcerated and one as a free man

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    Drama Pisie Hochheim & Tony Oswald


    An old handheld camera disrupts the chaotic bedtime routine of a single mother and her young son.

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    Drama Yen Tan


    A poignant film about the power of simple gestures in communicating acceptance and grace.

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    Romance Felix Massie

    In The Air Is Christopher Gray

    Christopher Gray has been in love with Stacey for quite some time, and no amount of lemonade can cool his desire. Meanwhile, Barry Flint has just bought his son a five-foot python from the pet store.

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    Drama Yolanda Ramke & Ben Howling


    **CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE** - Stranded in the midst of a zombie apocalypse, a man sets in motion an unlikely plan to protect the precious cargo he carries: his infant daughter

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