Mac Makeup

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    Drama Greta Nash

    Locker Room

    A teenage girl discovers her male friends’ secret group chat, forcing her to question her friendship with them.

  • Interview

    Interview: San Francisco Film Festival Shorts Directors

    Making a great short film requires a certain kind of alchemy; because there are no hard-set rules in regards to running time, subject matter, or even medium, filmmakers traverse a tricky path on the road to festival -- and online audience -- acceptance. I was lucky enough to sit down at the San Francisco International Film Festival with a few of the shorts filmmakers that were in attendance and get insight into their process, ask what lessons they learned on their latest productions, and find out what they believe makes a good short film.

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    Drama Yen Tan


    A poignant film about the power of simple gestures in communicating acceptance and grace.

  • Interview

    Interview with Josh Tanner (The Landing)

    Australian short The Landing is one of those film's that's going to leave you with questions. Whether based around the impressive craft on show in the production of the piece or aimed at the cleverly deceptive storyline, Josh Tanner's film is one that demands exploring in greater detail.

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    Adventure Martin Rosete

    Voice Over

    A conflicted narrator leads the viewer through three extreme situations that are actually the same...Will you survive?

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    Drama Anthony Scott Burns


    While a small-town sheriff investigates a mysterious multiple murder scene, a brilliant young software engineer is bizarrely linked to the crime–and to a much bigger conspiracy.

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    Experimental Mitch Jenkins

    Jimmy's End

    Comics legend Alan Moore along with Mitch Jenkins unveil a phantasmagoric English dreamtime made of goosefleshed pin-up girls, burned out comedians and faulty lights, with judgement just behind the tinsel.

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