Fury Films

  • SOTW

    Top Ten Shorts 2017 - Georg Csarmann

    Georg Csarmann / Vienna Contributor / @georgcsarmann Recently I had the opportunity to give a guest lecture at my alma mater to talk about S/W, online curation and short films in general. It was the perfect occasion to think about how the state of short-filmmaking and online distribution has changed in the past 7 years since I came on-board of S/W.

  • Play
    Dramedy Ivan Kander

    Minyan Duty

    Hoping to say Kaddish after their mother’s death, Leah and Ariel find themselves one person short of making a Minyan—the quorum of ten Jewish adults required for evening prayer service.

  • Playlist

    Overall Winners! | SOTW Awards 2013

    Among the tens of thousands of films that debuted online over the last year, the 150+ that we featured here on Short of the Week, and the 9 that we've honored here with the SOTW Awards 2013, one stood out above all the others. Not only that, but it's one of the best shorts we've ever experienced.

  • Branded Content

    Relentless Energy Short Stories

    I watched a ton of skate and surf movie as a kid growing up in the hotbed of alternative sports culture, Southern California. I was an accomplished if not spectacular practitioner of both, and would eat up the opportunity to see new tricks, new athletes, performing at the top of their game, re-watching those VHS tapes to the point of destruction.

  • Festival

    The ShortList Online Film Festival: Part 2

    No preamble, if you want to learn more about this fantastic online competition, check out the first half of our coverage from yesterday. Again, due to embedding restrictions, please visit the festival website to view the films.

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    Documentary Mohammad Gorjestani

    Exit 12

    After two tours in Fallujah during the Iraq War, US Marine Roman Baca came home a different person. To deal with his depression, anxiety, and anger, Roman turned to an unlikely place — ballet.

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    Fantasy Martin Vermelen & Matthieu Hassan

    The Makeover

    An ode to Disney "Princess" films, this 2010 Supinfocom short whimsically applies fairy-tale conventions to a modern romance gone stale.

  • Best of the Month

    Best of the Month: February 2019

    A subway meltdown, a story that unravels entirely on phone screen and an emotional lingerie fitting make up our fav. films of February

  • Best of the Month

    Best of the Month: November 2022

    A life-changing documentary, an innovative coming-of-age tale and an animation about poop make up our Best of the Month picks from our November 2022 coverage.

  • Play

    The Shock Doctrine

    "Literary trailer" for the book by the same name, this short, produced by "Children of Men" director Alfonso Cuarón, mixes archival footage as well nifty motion graphics to dramatize the book's thesis.

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