Thomas Chrétien

  • Tribeca

    Kathryn Bigelow Wades into VR with Conservation Doc "The Protectors"

    A documentary short shot in Virtual Reality that chronicles a day in the life of a ranger in Garamba National Park. These rangers are often the last line of defense in a race against extinction at the hands of poachers slaughtering elephants for their ivory tusks.

  • Play
    Dramedy Christoph Rainer

    Pitter Patter Goes My Heart

    Lisa's heart desires only one thing: her lost love, 5 years gone. At first a familiar quirky comedy, the film then dares to explore the line between grand love and unhealthy obsession

  • Play
    Comedy Todd Strauss-Schulson

    All's Fair

    A young man, heartbroken when his girlfriend dumps him, hires a prostitute to recreate the mundane intimacies he used to take for granted.

  • SOTW

    Looking Back on 2011

    This year has been a big year for Short of the Week. Let's take a moment to look back on where we've been and look ahead to where we're going.

  • Play
    Dark Comedy Chester Vincent Toye


    An eager young artist receives a disturbing and surreal introduction to the art world during the delivery of a controversial sculpture.

  • Festival

    Encounters 2013 - Festival Preview

    Beginning life back in 1995, when it was originally envisioned as a one-off short film event, the Encounters Short film and Animation Festival has developed into one of the world's leading lights in showcasing short films and their talented creators. A qualifying festival for the Academy Awards and a gateway to the BAFTAs and the Cartoon d'Or, if you're a short film buff and within reach of Bristol in the UK, then Encounters is a gathering you'll certainly want to be a part of.

  • Play
    Fantasy Bernardo Britto & Alexa Lim Haas


    The true story of a glove that’s been floating in space since 1965.

  • News

    Featured in Filmmaker Magazine’s 25 New Faces!

    In a key step towards our ongoing goal of taking over the internet and ruling with an iron fist, Filmmaker Magazine has honored both Andrew and I as part of their popular annual feature, the 25 New Faces of Independent Film. You can skip straight to Scott Macaulay's great article on us here.

  • Play
    Documentary Gemma Green-Hope


    A granddaughter celebrates the life of her 'Gan Gan' by telling the story of her colourful life.

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