Emily Harrison

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    Drama Sam Benenati

    The Day After The Day After

    After a man watches the TV movie "The Day After" he slips into an existential crisis and calls his first love whom he hasn't talked to in years.

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    Documentary Max Joseph

    Dicks: Do You Need to be One to be a Successful Leader?

    Coming off his Zac Efron-starring debut feature "We Are Your Friends", filmmaker Max Joseph has a pressing question—is he too nice to be a great director? An essay-like exploration ensues, which is a fascinating watch for young creatives everywhere

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    Comedy Jesse Gi


    On a date, a young Korean-American attempts to hide an embarrassing secret.

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    Comedy India Barnardo

    Cat and Moth

    A fluffy white cat wants nothing more than to find the most comfortable spot in the universe, but little does she know someone else has their eye on it too.

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    Dramedy Danielle Kampf


    An anxiety-ridden high school girl is faced with the challenge of giving a class presentation.

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    Comedy Eric Kissack

    The Move

    A couple moves in together and discovers something that makes them question their apartment, their relationship and, you know, the universe.

  • Best of the Month

    Best of the Month: January 2019

    Featuring an abstract animation centred around insect attraction, a powerful doc exploring environmental degradation and a unique vertical format viewing experience, this might be the most eclectic selection we've ever featured in our 'Best of the Month' round-ups.

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    Drama Daniel Montanarini

    The Arrival

    A woman contemplates whether or not to keep her baby, while waiting for her lover to arrive in a small cafe.

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