Mdhamiri A Nkemi

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    Music Video Andrew Griffin

    To Build a Home

    A multi-track music video film that touches on what happens after the happy ending and the struggles of dealing with the loss that follows.

  • Festival

    A Look Back at ANIMA 2019

    Alex Dudok de Wit was on the ground at Belgium's top animation festival. Here are his impressions, and a sneak peak at the animated shorts that will be getting buzz in 2019.

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    Documentary Patrick Clair

    Stuxnet: Anatomy of a Computer Virus

    Warfare is entering a digital generation. In this infographics piece from down under we learn about one of the scariest new viruses out there.

  • Interview

    Q&A with Shahir Daud of Double Happy

    Shahir Daud, director of Double Happy, shares why he made the film, what it's like shooting with a RED camera, and how to shoot cinéma vérité.

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    Drama Zara Dwinger

    A Holiday from Mourning

    A teenage girl attempts to flee the grief she has felt since her mothers’ death by going on a post-exam trip to a Portuguese party town.

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    Experimental Alex Grigg

    Born in a Void

    A being born alone in a void becomes obsessed with its own reflection.

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    Horror Jared Hogan

    How To Make A Ghost

    On Halloween night in a small town, a boy accepts a dare from his friends to hide in the back seat of an empty car and frighten the driver when they return. But what starts as a seemingly harmless prank turns into a night from hell.

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    Documentary Kirby Ferguson

    Everything is a Remix Part 3

    Part 3 of Kirby Ferguson's brilliant Everything is a Remix series deals with the origins of creativity.

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