Ponderosa Productions

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    Sci‑Fi Richard Boylan


    In March 1993, Madeline and her boyfriend are enjoying a quiet evening at home when they are interrupted by a visit from an enigmatic stranger bearing a message.

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    Drama Justin Giddings & Ryan Welsh

    This Is Normal

    A young Deaf woman undergoes an experimental medical procedure that is supposed to “cure” her of her deafness and give her the ability to hear.

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    Sci‑Fi K-Michel Parandi

    From the Future with Love

    Squads of privatized police officers from various corporations walk the streets of New York, selling overpriced protection plans to citizens.

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    Horror Jeff Betancourt

    Knock Knock

    A group of friends play a game that opens a portal to the world of the dead... but once some doors are opened they cannot be closed

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    Action Jesse Gustafson

    Day 39

    A young soldier on his first tour and a seasoned Ranger medic fight to save a young family on the Afghan battlefield in this Student Academy Award finalist.

  • Interview

    The Future of New Media | SOTW Awards 2013

    Winners of the SOTW Awards 2013 New Media category sit down to discuss the importance of story and the need for funding in this roundtable discussion about the future of the industry.

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    Dramedy Drew Van Steenbergen

    Alone With People

    Growing up gay in the south, a high school girl seeks the help of a therapist to come out to her family in this hilarious and touching coming-of-gay story.

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    Fantasy Peter Szewczyk


    A young girl, creative and idealistic, dreams of brighter days in a forgotten Eastern European city.

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    Comedy Ben S. Hyland

    Quiet Carriage

    A man must decide whether to intervene and stop a casual commuting rule breaker, or live with a lifetime of regret. A comedy about a passive man with an overactive imagination.

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