Sean Mullan

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    Sci‑Fi Jordan Speer


    In the distant future, a space-faring dog investigates the surface of a dead planet - leading to a dangerous encounter and the discovery of her own kind's tragic forgotten history - ultimately revealing a hopeful path forward.

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    Musical Jacob Chase


    Set in 1952, a traveling salesman shows up on the doorstep of a dying old man and can't contain the song within his heart. A dark riff on a classic musical.

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    Drama Luke Gilford


    Starring Pamela Anderson, Dree Hemingway and featuring the voice of Jane Fonda, 'Connected' is a portrait of a woman grappling with aging, self-perception, and transformation in a technologically optimized world.

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    Documentary Danski Tang


    A daughter explores her mother’s abusive relationship with her father and how it shaped her experiences in a boarding school in China

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    Documentary Remington Smith

    The Derby

    A portrait of the disparate but connected worlds of workers and revelers at the fastest two minutes in sports, The Kentucky Derby.

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