Glass Cat Productions

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    Experimental Arcos

    Valerio's Day Out

    A young jaguar goes on a killing spree when he escapes from his enclosure at a zoo. After he's captured, sedated, and relocated, he makes a video diary for his significant other, Lula.

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    Experimental Vier Nev

    A Mãe de Sangue (A Mind Sang)

    An experiment in perspective and parallel storytelling. In the last moments before childbirth, a mother sees how similar her life and her child's life will be. A hypnotic visual journey where every image has two simultaneous meanings.

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    Satire Hasraf HaZ Dulull


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    Comedy Armelle Mercat

    Tête d'Oliv (Keep your hair on, Olivier)

    50yr-old chemist Olivier, does everything in order to hide his baldness from his wife. Worried that she might not love him with his hairless head, he has crafted an extensive routine to disguise it.

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    Documentary Nasir Bailey & Jackson Kroopf


    Nasir, a transgender musician, comes out to several family members over the phone, as he recounts the steps towards his decision to transition, and composes a song to himself.

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    Horror Blake Mawson


    Set one evening in present-day Moscow, 16 year-old Pyotr is baited by an ultra-nationalist group known for their violent abductions and attacks bolstered by Russia's LGBT Propaganda Law, but Pyotr has a dangerous secret.

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    The Viral Experience: What Happens When You Reach The Top

    You’'ve seen the scenario before: some talented, young filmmaker releases his latest short film on Vimeo… and BOOM… practically overnight it goes viral. A few million views and a couple hundred thousand comments later, they garner industry attention, eventually cinching a movie deal with Hollywood.

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    Comedy Tyler Glodt


    Set in a parallel universe where the sexual bias favors homosexuals, Eric, a struggling heterosexual, admits himself into a straight conversion camp.

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