Paul Barritt

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    A feast for the senses blending improvised music with abstract animation in this 4-year long hand-drawn animation.

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    Horror Bobby Miller


    Paul jerked off in the shower. Paul just impregnated his bath tub. Last year's most outrageous Sundance short, now online.

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    Drama Michael Tyburski

    Actor Seeks Role

    An aspiring method actor (Alex Karpovsky) finds out what can happen when preparing for a role turns into an unhealthy obsession.

  • Festival

    A S/W-Centric Guide to Encounters 2020

    With UK's leading short film festival forced online, we dive into the Encounters 2020 programme and take a look at what the festival has to offer this year - including some new films from some old S/W favourites

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    Dramedy Christoph Rainer

    Pitter Patter Goes My Heart

    Lisa's heart desires only one thing: her lost love, 5 years gone. At first a familiar quirky comedy, the film then dares to explore the line between grand love and unhealthy obsession

  • Festival

    A Shorts-Centric Recap of TIFF 2020

    With TIFF adopting a hybrid approach - featuring live screenings, online rentals and a virtual library - we take a short centric look at what this year's festival had to offer.

  • Festival

    A Look Back at ANIMA 2019

    Alex Dudok de Wit was on the ground at Belgium's top animation festival. Here are his impressions, and a sneak peak at the animated shorts that will be getting buzz in 2019.

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    Action Roy Arwas

    Comrade Crunch

    A retired Russian assassin attempts to relive happier memories through his favorite childhood cereal.

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    Sci‑Fi K-Michel Parandi

    From the Future with Love

    Squads of privatized police officers from various corporations walk the streets of New York, selling overpriced protection plans to citizens.

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