Eyes and Ears

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    Drama Rémi Allier

    Les Petites Mains (Little Hands)

    **CURRENTLY OFFLINE** (playing Trailer) - Upon discovering that management is closing down the factory, a desperate employee kidnaps the toddler of the director in order to negotiate.

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    Dark Comedy

    Tune for Two

    Amidst a dark situation, victim and executioner share a light moment.

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    Romance Eugene Kolb

    A Subway Story

    Two people recount their first meeting on the New York City Subway

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    Documentary Zack Conkle

    Wright's Law

    Zany and unpredictable, Jeffrey Wright is loved by his physics students at Louisville Male High School. But, beyond teaching them how the world works, it’s his personal life that inspires them to be better people.

  • News

    The Oscar Winning Short Films of 2022

    It's that time of year again...drum roll please...the winners of the Short Subject Categories at the 94th Academy Awards have been announced and you can watch them all here.

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    Drama Stéphanie Clément


    **CURRENTLY OFFLINE** - The green grass of the garden, the swimming in the lake, the fishing with Grandpa, as Louise spends time at her grandparents' house everything seems as sweet as Grandma’s strawberry pies. Yet this year, the snow will fall in summer and a monster will die.

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    Une Histoire Vertebrale

    Crippled with chiropractic problems, this sad, young fellow with big dreams struggles to meet that perfect someone that just fits.

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    Musical Daniel Cloud Campos

    Today's the Day

    A musical story about a kid who dreams of becoming a dancer but lacks the confidence in himself to fight for that dream... until today.

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    Thriller Emma Josephson

    Bury Your Fish

    An isolated and lost young woman begins taking life directions based on cryptic Morse code from a mysterious flashing light

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