Eyes and Ears

  • Article

    Oscars Short Films 2025: A Voter's Guide

    With Oscar voting now open, S/W’s Senior Programmers - Rob Munday, Céline Roustan, and Jason Sondhi - step into the voters' shoes to narrow down the 45-title shortlists to their picks for the 15 short films that deserve to advance to the nominations round.

  • Article

    The Viral Experience: What Happens When You Reach The Top

    You’'ve seen the scenario before: some talented, young filmmaker releases his latest short film on Vimeo… and BOOM… practically overnight it goes viral. A few million views and a couple hundred thousand comments later, they garner industry attention, eventually cinching a movie deal with Hollywood.

  • Interview

    The Future of New Media | SOTW Awards 2013

    Winners of the SOTW Awards 2013 New Media category sit down to discuss the importance of story and the need for funding in this roundtable discussion about the future of the industry.

  • Interview

    Quick Hits with Thunder Road's Jim Cummings

    Thunder Road is going to be a strong contender come the end of the year for a spot on our Best of 2016 list. It's also just got a fascinating backstory, so we decided to get in touch with the creator and star of the film, Jim Cummings, and get down with a quick hit Q&A.

  • Article

    How long should I make my short film?

    How long should I make my short film? We attempt to answer this question by looking at statistics from short film festivals and our own database.

  • New Filmmaker Series

    New Filmmaker: Dave Green

    We've been fans of Dave Green since the beginning. His first short film, Meltdown, was a finalist in our Great Film Competition way way back in 2009 and set the tone for his style of dark yet playful humor driven by strong characters.

  • Article

    Fashion Film Roundup Part 2

    We published part 1 of this fashion film roundup to honor the end of New York fashion week and since then London and Milan have had their turn. Now we're in the thick of Fashion Week Paris, the final of the 4 consecutive world fashion weeks, and at last here is part 2.

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