Eyes and Ears

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    Drama Thomas Leung

    Living in the Dark

    Often we can't appreciate something so close to us until it's taken from us—such is the case in this film when as a young boy, Thomas, temporarily loses his sight.

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    Comedy Jeremy Hersh


    From Sundance 2015. Two actresses fall in love in Jeremy Hersh's comedic take on constructive criticism.

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    Drama Laura Moss

    Fry Day

    On the night of serial killer Ted Bundy’s execution, a Florida teenager is taken for a ride.

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    Documentary Vance Malone


    Ocular artist, Fred Harwin, crafts realistic-looking eyes for those who've lost theirs.

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    Comedy Yousheng Tang

    Behind the Scene

    Steadicam operator Yousheng Tang looks at the hilarious activities that go on behind the scenes at a film shoot via a well-executed, single long-take shot.

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    Drama Milena Rodams


    In the process of documenting their move to a new apartment, Olive accidentally captures the demise of her parents relationship on her new camcorder in this contemplative EMCA grad film.

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    Experimental Till Nowak

    The Centrifuge Brain Project

    The "Centrifuge Brain Project" gives an insight on scientific experiments with amusement park rides.

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    Documentary Jesse Epstein


    An examination of beauty as seen through the eyes of mannequin manufacturers.

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    Sci‑Fi Kevin Parry

    The Arctic Circle

    In a desolate land, greed overcomes self-preservation in this cautionary tale from an apprentice of stop-motion legend, Henry Selick.

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