Catherine Bray

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    Dark Comedy Britt Raes


    The bittersweet life story of a young girl who grows up to be a crazy old cat lady.

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    Drama Brandon Bray

    Love, Dad

    An emotional, wordless 3min short. On the outskirts of Cairo, lies an entire suburb made out of trash called Garbage City. 'Love, Dad,' explores the grueling work and persistence one father endures to put his daughter through school.

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    Documentary Anthony Ing

    Jill, Uncredited

    Prolific background actor Jill Goldston takes centre stage in this unique portrait. Constructed entirely from Jill’s performances – captured fleetingly in everything from Mr. Bean to The Elephant Man – the film is a lyrical journey through popular culture, and a haunting study of a life lived out of focus.

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    Experimental Catherine Lepage

    The Great Malaise

    A young woman describes herself and her life in glowing terms, but the visual narrative tells a different story.

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    Drama Catherine Prowse & Hannah Quinn


    In a middle Eastern war zone a gardener defies the destruction around her by filling her city with beautiful, life-giving lemon plants.

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    Documentary Catherine Spangler

    Born Into Coal

    Coal queen pageant contestant Arianna Bailey competes for a crown to represent her family’s way of life. Former miner Goose Stewart lives with the memories of a mine explosion. One thing binds both families: coal.

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    Drama Anthony Ing

    The Gallery

    At an audition, Maya becomes part of an absurd cycle... losing track of who she's performing for and why.

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    Documentary Charlie Lyne

    Lasting Marks

    The story of sixteen men put on trial for sadomasochism in the dying days of Thatcher's Britain was told by the police, the prosecution and the tabloid press — but not by those in the dock.

  • Playlist

    Watch Sundance 2014 Short Films!

    Yesterday afternoon saw the announcement of Sundance's short film lineup for 2014, 66 short films that will play Park City this upcoming January. The competition was fierce, with a revealed total of 8,141 submissions, but, of the myriad things you could do to catch the fleeting but powerful attention of a programmer—write a great script, discover an amazing subject, or cast a big star—keeping your short film offline, sight unseen, conferred no advantage.

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    Documentary Kalyanee Mam

    Lost World

    A new short from Kalyanee Mam, the Sundance Grand Jury Prize winner for Feature Documentary. As Singapore dredges sand out from beneath Cambodia’s mangrove forests, an ecosystem, a communal way of life, and one woman’s relationship to her beloved home are faced with the threat of erasure.

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