Michael Sagol

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    Documentary Kyle Thrash & Haley Elizabeth Anderson

    The Sentence of Michael Thompson

    In 1994, Michael Thompson was arrested for selling three pounds of cannabis and was sentenced to 42 to 60 years in prison. He is the longest serving non-violent offender in the history of Michigan and he is finally up for clemency

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    Documentary Gabe Schimmel & Monica Petruzzelli

    Alzheimer's: A Love Story

    (No longer available for free streaming) A documentary that follows Greg and Michael as they struggle with a disease that is actively eradicating the memory of a beautiful relationship 40+ years in the making, and the love that has held them together through it all.

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    Drama Oliver Goodrum


    Michael is on the brink of a new start in life: a first real relationship and a stable job in a town where no-one knows him. Until his name returns to the news and his dream of anonymity crumbles, leaving him scrambling to keep his past hidden — and his new life safe.

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    Satire Michael Demetriou


    A group of 20-something creatives attempt to survive the UK advertising industry as their artistic aspirations slip further and further away.

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    Drama Michael Dudok de Wit

    Father and Daughter

    A moving tale of a daughter, an absent father, and the ties we share that surpass time or logic

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    Dramedy Michael Cera

    Brazzaville Teen-Ager

    In a self-effacing attempt to save his father from a death by deterioration, a young man enlists his curmudgeonly boss and Kelis to perform a song, and a miracle.

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