Nina Ljeti

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    Drama Nina Ljeti

    Divine Children

    Divine Children follows a gang of kids who are trying to adapt to life in a contemporary, post-war America. When Buzz, an aspiring dancer, wishes to join the group, he is subjected to a single test — a solo walk across an active minefield.

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    Drama Charlotte Benbeniste

    Bye Bye Body

    When Nina fails to meet her goal in the final week of weight loss camp, she makes a deal with the devil that takes her on an unexpected adventure, through which she learns to see her body anew.

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    Dramedy Katia Badalian


    Nina, a young girl with blooming awareness, interacts with her crass neighbor who explains the tangled world of intimacy and love. Drawing from her own experiences, Nina understands more than she thought.

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    Dark Comedy Nina Gantz


    A man with cannibalistic urges contemplates his life choices in Nina Gantz's BAFTA winning stop-motion short film

  • Oscar Films

    Oscars Short Films 2025: Predictions

    With the Oscars ceremony taking place this Sunday (March 2nd), the S/W team predict the winners in each of the three short film categories.

  • Article

    Oscars Short Films 2025: A Voter's Guide

    With Oscar voting now open, S/W’s Senior Programmers - Rob Munday, Céline Roustan, and Jason Sondhi - step into the voters' shoes to narrow down the 45-title shortlists to their picks for the 15 short films that deserve to advance to the nominations round.

  • Festival

    A Shorts-centric Preview of SXSW 2024

    Black holes, nuns and Nicholas Cage all feature in this round-up of work from our previously featured filmmakers at this year's SXSW

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    Dark Comedy Simon Cartwright


    When Glenn attends a primal scream therapy session in a desperate attempt to tap into his masculinity he's pushed too far and finally lets a little something out. BAFTA-nominated short from Simon Cartwright.

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