Ontario Arts Council

  • Play
    Dark Comedy Evan DeRushie


    A bird who barely manages to escape the exotic pet trade remains trapped in a cage and surrounded by unfamiliar sounds and un-birdlike creatures.

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    Documentary Jeremy Benning


    **CURRENTLY OFFLINE** - An inside look at the world of the Foley artist. This short documentary is a sneak peek into a unique post-production sound facility located in rural Ontario, an hour north of Toronto.

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    Adventure Dylan White

    Yowie and the Magpie

    A son recounts the legend of his father, an avid hunter whose collection lacked only one mythical beast...

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    Drama Simon Ellis


    Disturbing look at the frustrations of a man and son against nameless aggression.

  • Interview

    Q&A with Hands Solo dir. William Mager

    Yesterday's feature review was Hands Solo, a wicked funny mockumentary about a deaf porn star and the girl who got away. I caught up with the director, William Mager over email to talk about himself, the film, and disability in the movie-industry.

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    Horror Paul Holbrook & Sam Dawe

    Hungry Joe

    A single mother struggles to hold on to her sanity as she's forced to turn to extreme measures to satisfy her son's increasingly inhuman appetite.

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    Drama Mattias Graham

    Gas Can

    A drama set in 1970's Saskatchewan, a Cree family who run out of gas ask an old Farmer for help while moving to the city.

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    Action Tom Hankins & 3 Others

    Mac 'n' Cheese

    Your traditional student animation chase scene—Dutch-style. Evidently this means copious amounts of drugs and psychedelic imagery!

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    Adventure Nata Metlukh

    Pura Vida

    A vacation to Costa Rica quickly gets messy for four flawed friends

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