• SOTW

    Top Ten Short Films of 2017 - Serafima Serafimova

    Serafima Serafimova / London Contributor As a filmmaker, self-confessed Vimeo addict and lover of Short of the Week, I came dangerously close to having a stroke when Jason Sondhi (THE Jason Sondhi) got in touch with me 12 months ago, asking to have a chat. Fast forward a few weeks and I was part of a team I had been admiring for years, watching some incredible shorts and getting paid for it too! Yes, it really is as good as it sounds.

  • SOTW

    Top Ten Short Films of 2017 - Céline Roustan

    Céline Roustan / Toronto ContributorAs 2017 comes to an end, I wrap my first year at Short of the Week. What a year since Jason welcomed me to the team — first as an intern, then a few months later as a full person.

  • SOTW

    Top Ten Shorts 2017 - Adam Banks

    Adam Banks / Cincinnati Contributor / @akbanx With each passing year, life seems to get busier and busier, and with this escalation of busy-ness comes an annoying choice: you can either sacrifice something you love doing because the other thing takes up too much time, or you can say “fuck it” and double down on both. For me, Thing 1 was screening and writing about films for Short of the Week (my favorite sidegig ever), and Thing 2 was working as a crew member on feature films (a massive timesuck that I very much love being a part of).

  • SOTW

    TOP TEN SHORT FILMS OF 2017 - Chelsea Lupkin

    Chelsea Lupkin / NYC Contributor / @chelsealupkin2017 was the year that I couldn’t shut up about short films. There may have been major Hollywood features and awesome Netflix series vying for my attention, but short films took the proverbial cake for me.

  • SOTW

    S/W 2017 - By the Numbers

     SITENumber of Featured  Films on the Site in 2017: 300Number of News Pieces + Articles: 51Total Hours of Programming: 59 hours 35 minNumber of Paid Submissions: 3254Accepted Films: 141, a 5.6% Acceptance Rate CREATORS + CONTENTAvg.

  • SOTW

    Top Ten Shorts 2017 - Georg Csarmann

    Georg Csarmann / Vienna Contributor / @georgcsarmann Recently I had the opportunity to give a guest lecture at my alma mater to talk about S/W, online curation and short films in general. It was the perfect occasion to think about how the state of short-filmmaking and online distribution has changed in the past 7 years since I came on-board of S/W.

  • SOTW

    Top Ten Short Films of 2017 - Rob Munday

    Rob Munday / UK Editor: Head of Content / @_RobMundayWriting these ‘end of year’ lists can be tricky. Too often we’re influenced by what they say about us and end up writing the list that projects the perfect image or the list you feel makes you look most knowledgeable.

  • SOTW

    Top Ten Shorts of 2017 - Jason Sondhi

    Jason Sondhi / NYC Co-Founder & Managing Editor / @jasondhiIn 2017 I fell back in love with shorts. I'd spent 2016 in a bit of burnout—after close to 5 years on Vimeo's Staff Picks team, the daily grind of watching had started to take its toll.

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